Has anyone changed item tracking from item name to item sku? and if so, what do I need to be aware of?

Has anyone changed item tracking from item name to item sku? and if so, what do I need to be aware of?

We started using Zoho about a year ago without really knowing how it all worked or doing any prep work. We dove in and set everything up and used item name instead of sku. Worst idea ever in hindsight. We didn't know any better and didn't know what the options were. Our owner loved some features in various modules of Zoho so we scrambled to get it working.

Now that we're a year in and have gone through all of the growing pains - so far - I'm wishing we had used skus instead of item names. Would be much easier in many ways, I would think.

Can I switch midstream? If so, is there anything specific I need to know or anything you've seen/done that I should avoid?

Any pointers would be helpful. I'm advocating for this as I think it will make our lives easier in cleaning up our physical inventory as well as our database of skus that we actually need to be much cleaner and more streamlined.

Thanks in advance.