Have completed Zoho Sign documents attach automatically to contact and/or account

Have completed Zoho Sign documents attach automatically to contact and/or account


Just used ZohoSign for the first time to get an e-signature on an important document. Setting up the template was nice and easy and configuring the request to go to the right people and training a member of staff was also very easy.


Why on earth does a completed ZohoSign document not get automatically added to the contact and account record? Surely that is obvious so that, in the event you need to check it, you just go to the account/contact and look it up.

It appears from this link

that you need to create a workflow and connection to make this happen. As happy as I am to learn new things, is there anybody out there who can explain this in simple terms to a non developer, I get as far as step eight then my eyes start to mist over and small plumes of smoke emit from my ears.

Hope one of you lovely people can give an old boy a leg up.


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