healthcare marketing/recruiting database

healthcare marketing/recruiting database

I would like to create a database containig the bussiness contact information of over 2 million health care providers. I will provide the data. the database main purpose i to serve as a recruting tool for cold calling or marketing products. I will need to passward protect the data and allow for multiple companies/ individuals to log in securely and keep notes on the individuals they call. They also need a very detailed search ability to filter the large amount of data to their needs. I will provide the data in required format. I will need an admin interface to give and take user access. users can not have any access allowing to download the data. I can give sample data along with a detail list of user tracking fields needed such as notes, date last called, next follow up required, intervew date...

Budget : 1000-1500 | Duration : ASAP | Location Preference : United States

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