help with base64Encode

help with base64Encode

A while ago I posted an issue I was having with using Star's passPRNT software with ZOHO Creator.  Star told me that I needed to convert the URL I was passing to it to base64 before sending.

No problem.  I changed my code to use zoho.encryption.base64Encode to encrypt the URL, then I tried to pass it (via OpenURL) to passPRNT.

Unfortunately, this also did not work, but I did find one clue as to why it didn't work.  After I encode it, I use OpenURL to pass the URL to passPRNT.  But there's a problem:  the code automatically appends " https://" to the start of the encoded URL I'm trying to pass, as if I'm opening an actual ZC page.

Of course, my first thought was to just strip out the unneeded string (using SubString) so I would just end up with the encoded string I want, but that had zero effect on the encoded string.  To make sure SubString was working, I had it remove characters 12-20, and it removed 12-20 from the encoded string, and acted as if the entire "https://...." string wasn't there.

I guess my REAL question is:  Is there a way to have ZC NOT append anything to the front of a base64-encoded string, since I really don't need it?

Here is the code:

url = "";
originalurl = "starpassprnt://v1/print/nopreview?html=<table><tr><td>helloworld</td></tr></table>&size=2&back=";
url=zoho.encryption.base64Encode ( originalurl) ;
OpenURL(url ,"same window");