Highlights of Zoho Invoice's 2022

Highlights of Zoho Invoice's 2022

Hello everyone!
We hope your 2023 had an amazing start! As excited as we are for the opportunities and challenges that await us this year, we wanted to properly bid farewell to 2022.
Our team at Zoho Invoice has been keeping busy this past year with constant feature updates, enhancements, new editions and more. If you missed any of our What's New posts, worry not, we've saved all the highlights for you!

Going forward, we wish to help more businesses tackle the challenges of invoicing with our forever-free invoicing solution. Thank you for choosing Zoho Invoice, and staying with us this year. The Zoho Invoice team wishes you a happier, healthier and more prosperous 2023!  
Before you leave, we'd love to hear from you! What were the features you enjoyed using the most? What other features do you wish to see in Zoho Invoice? Let us know in the comments below or drop an email to support@zohoinvoice.com and we'll get back to you. 
The Zoho Invoice Team 

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        Hello everyone, We're back with several updates and enhancements to make your invoicing experience better. Read the post below to discover what's new. Stripe Recurring Payments (India Edition) If you have integrated with Stripe, you can use it to collect