How can I add the item ID to the sales orders API request responses?

How can I add the item ID to the sales orders API request responses?

I am writing an application that requires determining the rate of sales of each item over a custom time period for my clients business using the REST API. To do so I intend on querying the sales orders and calculating item specific sale rates according. In the Zoho GUI I can see the quantity AND item that was sold for the sales order, but when I query the same order via the API I only get the quantity, but not the items actually sold. I see in the documentation there is a "line_items" array that contains the "item_id" I am looking for, but that field is absent when I do a GET request to the salesorders endpoint. Is there a setting my client needs to enable to include this field in the API request? If not via the salesorder endpoint is there any way to determine what items were sold solely via the REST API?

Attached is an example of the data I receive from a sales order query (all customer info redacted of course).

Please advice, thank you.