How do I assign values from a Zobot to a SIQ field using Input Cards?

How do I assign values from a Zobot to a SIQ field using Input Cards?

I'm using Deluge, byw.

I can't get the syntax right. I'm not getting an error message but nor is the data from the input cards being assigned to the visitor record.

The templates use this example, but this doesn't use an input card:
question1 = {"name":"email","replies":{"Great! Could you help me with your registered email address?",{"field_name":"siq_email","validate":{"format":"email","error":{"Please enter a valid email address"}}}}};

The help system suggest this, but this dosn't use an input card either:
replies = [
    "text":"Your name",

My code, which does use an input card, is this. It runs but doesn't record the details in the visitr record:
question2 = {"name":"ContactName","replies":{"Please tell us your name."},"field_name":"siq_name","input":{"type":"name","placeholder":"Enter your name","error":{"Enter a valid name"}},"skippable":"false"};

I'm wondering if there are some missing curly brackets or something like that. Deluge's syntax is a mystery to me!!

Many thanks
