How do I see who committed stock is for?

How do I see who committed stock is for?

On the items module, it very helpfully tells me that there are x qty of items committed, but I have absolutely no way of finding out who it is committed to?  You can try search transactions list of sales orders, and filter by partially invoiced, but that could mean opening 20-30 sales orders and scrolling through each one to see if that item (which is listed on that sales order)  has actually been invoiced . often it  is from way back- mostly I can never find  who these items are committed to. You need to be able to drill down into committed stock. The new 'committed stock report' is useless, as all it does is list all the sales orders where items are committed and is not sortable / filterable by item, so you have to read 1000's of  sales orfers/ lines to find the particular items you might be interested in. You cant get any totals to tell you that X item has y no of  units awaiting invoicing.