How do you add pagination to a Zoho Creator Page with zoho.crm.searchRecords

How do you add pagination to a Zoho Creator Page with zoho.crm.searchRecords

I have the following Deluge query which is correctly searching my records of up to 20 records per page, up to 5 page:

l_Pages = {1,2,3,4,5};
m_SearchParam = Map();
for each  v_Page in l_Pages
registrationResellerSection = zoho.crm.searchRecords("Registrations","(Referring_Reseller:equals:" + resellerDetails.Reseller_CRM_ID + ")",v_Page,20,m_SearchParam);
for each  reg in registrationResellerSection
                  // stuff here

However, it is displaying all results in one last (100 records, being 20 records x 5 pages).

I've Googled and wandered through YouTube but I can't find how to actually make it display on pages.

Many thanks in advance for any tips or guidance!
