How do you create visually stunning proposals using Zoho Books/Invoice/CRM?

How do you create visually stunning proposals using Zoho Books/Invoice/CRM?

Hey guys,
I've been using a tool called NiftyQuoter to create proposals for the last few months. I really like it because proposals look terrific out of the box, you can see when a client opens the proposal, clients can approve them and pay online, you can add photos and a individualised blurb for each project, the product has great support etc. I set it up for one of my clients and they like it too but are concerned about the cost as they scale and also don't like the lack of integration with Zoho CRM. They asked me if there was a way to create proposals that look like they came out of Nifty Quoter using Zoho Books/Zoho Invoice/Zoho CRM. 

The templates I've seen in Zoho Books/Invoice don't look that great and don't really allow you to add a customised blurb to each proposal without creating a separate template for each customer which is super time consuming. I've seen an output from Zoho CRM which does seem to allow a customised blurb (I guess via a rich text field in the Quotes module) but doesn't allow open rate tracking or online payment.

Anyone have other suggestions? If not, is this in the pipeline for Zoho Books/Invoice?

-- If you need any help with this or anything else related to Zoho, give
me a buzz on +61 414 885 787 or email me at

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