How do you log emails to a Contact record where the contact isn't included in the email

How do you log emails to a Contact record where the contact isn't included in the email

We use Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) and I'm aware of the ability to use IMAP to log emails to a contact record where the contacts email address is in the email.

However many times the clients email address is intentionally not included in the email, but is related to the client. How do you log an email to a contact under the following scenario's.

1 - Where an external party emails me about my client, but the client is not included in the email? How do I log that email to the client record from GMail?, and
2 - Where I send an email and forgot to (or don't want to) use the BCC Dropbox functionality?

It seems the email logging is very complex with Zoho, unnecessarily so. We either need to use 2 contact email addresses (their actual addresa and BCC Dropbox) or IMAP which does not work in every scenario.

We are trialling Zoho after using Salesforce. The Salesforce Gmail plugin simple lets you search and select the contact record to add it to as a file note/email record. Other CRM's we're trialling does this very easily too, Hubspot, MS Dynamics, Insightly..... This seems to be a major flaw in an otherwise impressive CRM.

Any feedback/help/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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      • How to Add Users to your Organization in ZohoMail?

        A better clarity so you can create other users to start using Zoho Mail. You can directly Add Users from the Control Panel to your Organization. You can invite users with the existing email address. If the person (user) already uses ZohoCRM, then you can import users from Zoho CRM. You can also import them using a .csv file. (if you are planning to add them in Bulk)  In this topic, We will be discussing on how to Add and Invite users only.  The Import options are self explanatory. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________