I have scoured the forms and tried multiple solutions but I can't seem to figure this very simple task. I am a beginner and am just learning Deluge so any help would be much appreciated.
I have a form (Add_Warehouse) with an Integration field set to the Deals module in my Zoho CRM account. I would like to auto populate the following fields, from the Deals module, based on the users response to the field 'Import Details from CRM field' (Creator field link name: CRM_import). The module is listed as 'Potentials' for this field.
- Account Name from CRM (Creator field link name: Company_Name)
- Quote Number from CRM (Quotation_Number)
- Contact Name from CRM (Contact_Name)
-Contact Email from CRM (Contact_Email)
-Contact Phone from CRM (Contact_Phone)
-Description from CRM (Description)
I understand that there have been many answered questions with regards to this task, but I cannot seem to figure it out. If it's not obvious already, I will include some of my code below which will surely indicate that I am a beginner :)
- 'crmresp = zoho.crm.getRecordById("Deals", input.CRM_import);
^^ continued for all fields
Some answers say to use getrecordsbyID, while others say to use getrelatedrecords, which one is correct and how would it look?