How to change the sender for incoming messages from 'email address' to 'display name' in Zoho Mail?

How to change the sender for incoming messages from 'email address' to 'display name' in Zoho Mail?

I've tried emailing support about this twice with zero acknowledgment of receipt and I've posted in the support forum but it's been held for moderation for over 24 hours. Of course I've search their support articles as well. Perhaps I'm using the wrong syntax.

When I'm in Zoho Mail, either on the mobile app or the website, the incoming messages are displayed as instead of "The New York Times" (for example). Survey

If I'm using Apple Mail to view the messages on my iPad, the same messages show the display name. When I get a notification from Zoho Mail on my phone, the notification shows the display name instead of the email address.

I've been unable to find a setting to change the sender from email address to display name in Zoho Mail.