How to create an invoice in invoices.zoho?

How to create an invoice in invoices.zoho?

    I have some code to create an invoice in invoices.zoho:
    1. $invoice = array(
    2.     'customer_id' => 918439000000063105,
    3.     'contact_persons' => array('918439000000063085'),
    4.     'invoice_number' => 'TEST-00001',
    5.     'reference_number' => '',
    6.     'template_id' => 918439000000017001,
    7.     'date' => '2017-09-28',
    8.     'payment_terms' => 0,
    9.     'payment_terms_label' => 'Pagadero a la recepcion',
    10.     'due_date' => '2015-10-28',
    11.     'discount' => 0,
    12.     'is_discount_before_tax' => true,
    13.     'discount_type' => '',
    14.     'is_inclusive_tax' => false,
    15.     'exchange_rate' => 0.103627,
    16.     'recurring_invoice_id' => '',
    17.     'invoiced_estimate_id' => '',
    18.     'salesperson_name' => '',
    19.     'custom_fields' => array(),
    20.     'line_items' => array(
    21.         array(
    22.             'item_id' => 918439000000063265,
    23.             'project_id'  => '',
    24.             'expense_id'  => '',
    25.             'salesorder_item_id'  => '',
    26.             'name'  => 'Khách sạn Hạ Long-Luxury',
    27.             'description' => '',
    28.             'product_type' => 'goods',
    29.             'item_order' => 1,
    30.             'rate'  => 120,
    31.             'unit'  => '',
    32.             'quantity'  => 2.0,
    33.             'discount'  => 0,
    34.             'tax_id'  => ''
    35.         )
    36.     ),
    37.     'payment_options' => array(),
    38.     'allow_partial_payments' => false,
    39.     'custom_body' => '',
    40.     'custom_subject' => '',
    41.     'notes' => 'T.C. $ 9,65',
    42.     'terms' => '',
    43.     'shipping_charge' => 0.0,
    44.     'adjustment' => 0.0,
    45.     'adjustment_description' => 'Ajuste'
    46. );

    47. $url = '';
    48. $data = array(
    49.   'authtoken'     => '{AUTHORTOCKEN}',
    50.   'JSONString'    => $invoice,
    51.   "organization_id"   => '{organization_id}',
    52.   "send"                  => false
    53. );
    54. $ch = curl_init($url);
    55. curl_setopt_array($ch, array(
    56.   CURLOPT_POST => 1,
    57.   CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false,
    58.   CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => false,
    59.   CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query($data),
    61.   CURLOPT_POST => true,
    62.   CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array("Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
    63. ));

    64. $response = curl_exec($ch);
    65. $response = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
    66. curl_close($ch);

    67. var_dump($response);
    Why I alway get message error 400 or ' {"code":4,"message":"Invalid value passed for JSONString"} '?