How to download work item attachments using Zoho Sprints API?

How to download work item attachments using Zoho Sprints API?

Hello, Community!

I am adding an attachment to a work item using Zoho Sprints API and the endpoint Additemattachments
The response contains links in props DOWNLOAD_URL and DOCS_DOWNLOAD_URL (as in documentation example) like:

When I try to download it using the same credentials with scope ZohoSprints.items.ALL I get the 401 status and the response with the message "Invalid Oauth Scope".
Which scope do I have to use?

I'm able to download the file using this link in a browser when I logged in, but I am looking for a way to download it programmatically .

The same result I get when I try to read the list of work item's attachments using the same URL with GET method /team/{teamId}/projects/{projectId}/sprints/{sprintId}/item/{itemId}/attachments/. The same link in the response as in Additemattachments.

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