Zoho CRM Integration with Zoho Inventory - Displaying Item Group Attributes

Zoho CRM Integration with Zoho Inventory - Displaying Item Group Attributes


I'm currently using Zoho Inventory and have organized my items into groups. I've utilized the group module to create unique identifiers as attributes for all of my items. This means that I have multiple items with the same name, but they are differentiated by three attributes that are mapped to the item level from the data I created when adding the individual items to their respective groups.

My question is regarding the integration of Zoho CRM with Zoho Inventory. I'm trying to display all my items from Zoho Inventory under the "Products" section in Zoho CRM. However, I cannot find an option to include the item-level data that originates from the Zoho Inventory Item Groups.

Is there a way to configure the integration so that the item group attributes from Zoho Inventory are visible in Zoho CRM? I want to ensure that the unique identifiers for each item are carried over to the CRM, even if the items have the same name.

I'd greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to achieve this.

Thank you in advance for your help!

My 3 unique attributes on my item coming from the Zoho Inventory Item Group module.