How to generate 1 Purchase Order for Items on multiple Sales Orders

How to generate 1 Purchase Order for Items on multiple Sales Orders

Hello, if I have 10+ open Sales Orders that are ready for the items to be ordered from the Vendors, I cannot find a way to multi select 2 or more Sales Orders from the list view and convert them to a Purchase Order, similar to being inside a Sales Order and selecting Convert to Purchase Order.

I don't want to have to generate 10+ Purchase Orders for the same Item to the same Vendor by converting to a PO from inside the Sales Order one by one when there are many orders to process, and then have to repeat this for the next different item to order from the next different Vendor.

There's got to be a better way to do this other than manually doing the math of all of the different items and manually creating the Purchase Orders so there is only 1 PO per vendor when bulk ordering for many Sales Orders.