How to show/hide fields depending on their values from another field

How to show/hide fields depending on their values from another field

I have a Products form I use to insert products to my custom application (built with Creator).

There are 8 checkboxes for each product... we manually mark the checkboxes (or leave them empty) during input.

Then I have a "WorkOrder" form which also has a Products sub-form. "Work Order"s are similar to invoices but they're not. We can add multiple products to a single Work Order

After a product is added to a Work Order through the sub-form, we want to display input fields that correspond to the fields we checked in the products form. For example, if we marked the checkbox "Has Length" in the products form, we want a Number field to appear in the products sub-form... same goes for the rest of the 8 fields.

My Question is:
I want to manipulate the Products sub-form in the Work Orders form so that only checked fields are visible (and the other fields hidden).