How to track manufacturing / production and then retail for a small apparel brand

How to track manufacturing / production and then retail for a small apparel brand


I have a small apparel brand where we make for example dresses. Most of the dresses are custom made and in very small quantities.

Is it possible for me to use Zoho inventory to track manufacturing and retail.

Should I be adding items and then making composite items ? What all should be part of composite items other than fabric.

If I enable track inventory which account should it be in 

How should stock - reflect in Zoho books...

Is there an expert who has knowledge of Zoho inventory and books and can help ?

Personally, I'm finding it unclear and cumbersome. Feel some features are missing and it is not as simple as it should be. Software such as Tally seem to be the go to solution. 

I want to use Zoho inventory but haven't been able to get the correct guidance 
