I have 2 forms, Box form with Seed_Packs entries that links to another Form Seed_Inventory entries. After I have use the import functions, the entries did not link from Seed_Inventory to Box.Seed_Packs, I want to use scripts to do the linking by creating a schedule flow to run it manually.
The following is my code:
//create a subform collection
subformCollection = Collection();
//define the rows to be inserted
row1 = Box.Seed_Packs(Box_ID = "GB_0003");
//get data from seed inventory
getBoxID = Box[Box_ID = "GB_0003"].ID;
getSeedInventory = Seed_Inventory[Box_ID_QR = getBoxID].Stock_ID.getAll().toList();
//looping entries from seed inventory and recursively insert the rows to Box.Seed_Packs
for each rec in getSeedInventory
row1.Seed_Inventory = rec;
But I am stucked as when I execute the flow, i got the following error:
Invalid update task found corresponding properties Line:(7) which refer to "row1.Seed_Inventory = rec;"
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thank you!