Ideas of some features to include in the future

Ideas of some features to include in the future

I personally love your app, thank you for creating and supporting it, but it would be the best over the competition if it included some of these features. I know it's work and you have limited budget and time, but I hope your team can benefit from introducing some of them in the future.

Android (and also iOS app)
  • Automatic number and bullet lists. When you write 1. and hit enter, the system adds 2. and so on
  • Colored text 
  • That the images fit the whole smartphone screen size
  • The alarm icon in android is kind redundant in my opinion
  • You could use rounded squared instead of sharp squared thumbnails
  • When importing images, to open the system default file selector instead of the option to make a new photo.
Mac Version
  • Please add tables, we  users think it is a key feature.
  • Ability to import images from the pastebin
  • Increase the size of some titles
  • Multiple tabs, or at least 2, for working on parallel projects

  • Thank you
  • Samuel.

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