My particular issue relates to importing from roboform csv but some of these comments apply to general importing and exporting
First of all, the roboform import is confused as roboform create a column called "Note" prior to the next column "Folder". using the csv created by roboform for importing into vault the system will continually fail.
I finally managed to import the file by removing CR & LF charcaters from the columns "Notes" which is the 6th column however the import function treats this column as the "Chambers" rather than the next column in the csv file which is "Folder". By swapping these columns order in the csv file the import at last worked.
What it did however do is create chambers with the names of chamber-1 and chamber-1/chamber-1.1 etc ie. the / was part of the chamber name and not recognsiing that this might be a sub chamber.
So how can I import recognising folders and sub folders as chambers? Well no mention is made and I am suspecting there is no method. With 1400 passwords organised across 100+ folders and sub folders I have a big job ahead of me.
Further to my woes, when I create a couple of entries in vault within sub chambers of chambers and then export to csv, the system does not even recognise the concept of sub chambers as it simply gives me the name of the sub chamber and even worse, the so called export is not in fact an export file. It is a listing within a text field of what is supposed to be csv format but in fact not as it includes line fees in the export to Vault format... the standard export does not even include the chamber details.
Would someone from Zoho care to explain why this import / export functionality seems so poorly thought out.
Thank you