Importing Multiple Invoices with Multiple Line Items and Parts - CSV File

Importing Multiple Invoices with Multiple Line Items and Parts - CSV File


I'm pretty new to Zoho so this may be an easy one. I would like to upload multiple invoices from one csv file to zoho but the problem that I have is that each invoice will have multiple line items. Is it possible to import multiple invoices that have several line items/different parts to the invoice? For example the invoice that I need to import has the following fields: Customer Number, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Order Number, Terms, Sidemark, PO Number, Telephone, Ship Via, Product, Line #, QTY, Pattern, Color, Width, Length, Retail Price, Net Price, Total Price, Sub Total, Shipping & Handling, Invoice Total, Terms & Conditions.  Any help or suggestions would be a great help.

Thank You,

Email me: sergio