In the latest version of the Bigin Mobile app, we have brought in support for 'Email-In' feature.

In the latest version of the Bigin Mobile app, we have brought in support for 'Email-In' feature.


In the latest version of the Bigin Android mobile app (v1.4.13) and Bigin iOS mobile app (v.1.5.2), we have brought in support for Email-In feature.


The records in the Pipeline module (Deals) are the actual work for a user in Bigin. However, right now the record are created manually in the Pipelines module.There is no way to automatically create a record in the pipeline, when a new email is received or through a webform submission.


Email-In solves the above case by auto-creating records in the pipeline, whenever a new email is received.


This is similar to the 'Support Alias' feature in Desk where tickets are automatically created whenever a new email is received to the support email address of each department.


Record creation & mapping:

  • A Deal record is created based on the email subject with the subject details mapped in the deal record name.

  • A Contact record will be created based on the email 'From' address and from address details mapped in contact record name of the deal.

Email-In can be added as a topping in web and individual email aliases can be added to individual pipelines.

Normal Deal creation (vs) Email-In Deal creation:




Conversation Tab:

Conversation tab contains both comments and emails.

Add Comment:
Comments can be added and posted via 'Add Comment' option. The comments section supports the below features as well.

  1. Rich text editor

  2. Attachments

  3. '@'mentions

Respond to Email:
With the below options supported user can respond to an email

  1. Reply

  2. Reply all

  3. Forward

You can update the app using the link given below:


Bigin app for iOS


Please do try out the app and share your feedback in the comments section.

Roshan S