Inquiry About Lead Score Calculation

Inquiry About Lead Score Calculation

I have a question regarding the calculation of lead scores in Zoho Marketing Automation, and I would appreciate your clarification on the method being used.

Evergreen Lead Score:

  • Does the lead score continue to accumulate indefinitely?
  • For example, if Contact A received 10 points for opening an email 90 days ago and then received another 50 points 2 days ago, would the current total lead score be 60 (10 + 50)?

Decaying Lead Score:

  • Does the lead score only include points from the last X days (e.g., 30 days)?
  • Using the same example, if the lead score decays after 30 days, would the current score be just 50 (since the 10 points from 90 days ago would no longer be counted)?

Thank you for your assistance in clarifying how lead scores are calculated.

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