In a SQL Query Table, the SELECT commands easily allow me to put each field on a new line by using the carriage return after the comma:
"Table 1"."Field Name 1" As "Alias Name 1",
"Table 1"."Field Name 2" As "Alias Name 2",
"Table 1"."Field Name 3" As "Alias Name 3",
all I had to do was hit "Enter" after the comma. When I hit "Save" the carriage returns are saved just as they appeared in edit mode.
But later in the query in the FROM section, if I use a carriage return (without a comma because there is none in between the JOIN commands) it shows up properly when I am in edit mode:
FROM "Table 1" LEFT JOIN "Table 2" ON "Table 2"."Field 1" = "Table 1"."Field 1"
LEFT JOIN "Table 3" ON "Table 3"."Field 1" = "Table 1"."Field 1"
LEFT JOIN "Table 4" ON "Table 4"."Field 1" = "Table 1"."Field 1"
But when I hit save, this is how it is saved:
FROM "Table 1" LEFT JOIN "Table 2" ON "Table 2"."Field 1" = "Table 1"."Field 1" LEFT JOIN "Table 3" ON "Table 3"."Field 1" = "Table 1"."Field 1" LEFT JOIN "Table 4" ON "Table 4"."Field 1" = "Table 1"."Field 1"
i.e., no carriage returns, all on one very long line. With many joins it becomes cumbersome to edit the SQL code or see the logic.
I saw references to "\n" in both MySQL docs and some postings in the forum, but inserting a \n after each join generates an error statement.
I am probably missing something simple here, but any clues would be much appreciated.