Integrate check in/check out notifications in Zoho Cliq with Zoho People

Integrate check in/check out notifications in Zoho Cliq with Zoho People

Hello everyone,

Today, we wanted to share with you a useful tip on how to integrate check in/check out notifications in Zoho Cliq with Zoho People. By integrating these two Zoho apps, you can ensure that your team members receive timely updates on the availability of their colleagues, making it easier to coordinate tasks and schedules.

In this forum post, we will guide you through the simple steps required to set up this integration, and provide some tips on how to get the most out of it. Whether you're a small business owner or part of a large enterprise, this integration can help streamline your team's communication and improve your overall productivity.

So without further ado, let's get started!


Note: It should be noted that this will only work if Zoho People integration is enabled in Zoho Cliq.
  • Enabling Zoho People integration (if available for you):
    If you are a Zoho People user, you can enable the Zoho People integration in Cliq with the following steps:
    • Go to .
    • Go to your profile on the top right corner and click on Admin Panel.
    • Navigate to the Integrations tab and enable the Zoho People integration.
  • Setting up the workflow in Zoho People:
    • Now go to Zoho People and navigate to Settings -> Automations -> Workflow -> Add Workflow. Choose the Form Name as Attendance, Trigger Process as "Create or Edit" then move on to Action -> Webhooks.

    • Now enter a name for the webhook , the URL to notify (paste the bot incoming URL from step 2), select the POST method and configure the URL parameters (day, email ID, name). Save the webhook and workflow.

  • Now back in Zoho Cliq, navigate to the bot incoming webhook handler and paste the code below:
  1. emailID = params.get("emailId");
  2. userName = params.get("name");
  3. day = params.get("day");
  4. bodyParameters = {"emailId":emailID};
  5. fetchUserAvailability = invokeurl
  6. [
  7.     url :""
  8.     type: GET
  9.     parameters:bodyParameters
  10.     detailed:true
  11.     connection:"<CONNECTION LINK NAME>"
  12. ];
  13. info fetchUserAvailability;
  14. if(fetchUserAvailability.get("responseCode") == 200)
  15. {
  16.      isUserAvailable = fetchUserAvailability.get("responseText").get("isUserAvailable");
  17.      if(isUserAvailable == false)
  18.      {
  19.        status = "check-out";
  20.      }
  21.      else
  22.      {
  23.              status = "check-in";
  24.      }
  25.      //Post message in channel
  26.      actionTime = zoho.currenttime;
  27.      actionTime = actionTime.toString("dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm a");
  28.      postMessage = {"text":"_" + userName + "_  has *" + status + "* successfully! (" + actionTime + ")"};
  29.      info zoho.cliq.postToChannelAsBot(<CHANNEL UNIQUE NAME>, <BOT UNIQUE NAME>, postMessage);
  30. }
  31. else
  32. {
  33.      return {"text":"Something went wrong with the integration. Please check it!!!"};
  34. }
  35. return Map();
  • Create a connection with scope - ZOHOPEOPLE.attendance.ALL and replace the connection link name in the code (line no: 11).
  • Add the bot to the required channel and replace the channel unique name and bot unique name in the code(line no: 29) with the respective names.
  • If everything is set up right, you will be notified in the configured channel whenever anyone checks in/checks out.

In conclusion, integrating check in/check out notifications in Zoho Cliq with Zoho People is a simple yet powerful way to enhance your team's communication and productivity. By keeping everyone informed of each other's availability, you can avoid scheduling conflicts and ensure that tasks are completed on time. Plus, with the easy-to-use integration between these two Zoho apps, getting started is a breeze. So why not give it a try today and see how it can benefit your team? We hope this post has been helpful, and please feel free to share any feedback or questions in the comments below.

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