Introducing Automation Credits in Zoho Sign

Introducing Automation Credits in Zoho Sign


We hope that you have all been keeping well.

The popularity of digital signatures and paperless signing continues to surge, owing to its suitability in the current times, as more and more organizations are choosing to operate and do business remotely.

Presently, Zoho Sign is the only digital signature app that truly offers unlimited document signing to its users. However, this does not apply to integration automations leading to feedback from partners and customers who felt it restricted them from freely exploring the app's integrated usage with other Zoho software. Therefore, we now look to ease these restrictions within the Zoho ecosystem.

From September, organizations will start receiving a nominal amount of complimentary automation credits every month which will enable their users to explore, build, and leverage customized Zoho Sign document workflows across supported apps within the Zoho ecosystem.

What are automation credits?
As you may know, automation features such as bulk send and SignForms in Zoho Sign and Deluge-based custom functions in integrations across Zoho apps presently carry either limitations based on usage or require the purchase of API credits as add-ons. Automation credits will allow users to execute these automations without requiring any additional purchase until the credits run out. Automation credits are functionally the same as API credits, and organizations will receive an amount proportionate to their licensed user count at the start of their payment cycle every month.

Who is eligible to receive automation credits?
All organizations subscribed to our Enterprise plan (including bundles like Zoho One) will receive automation credits. The credits are provided at the organization or account level and, therefore, their usage is shared among all licensed users.

How many automation credits do we receive?
Organizations will receive 10 automation credits for each licensed Zoho Sign user up to a maximum cap of 500 credits every month. For example, an organization comprising 20 licensed users will receive 200 automation credits on their account every month, but an organization comprising 60 licensed users will only receive 500 monthly credits due to the maximum cap.

When are these automation credits consumed? What happens when they run out?
The table below provides a list of all the automated tasks performed by Zoho Sign across Zoho apps that currently carry restrictions, their current behavior, and how that will change with the introduction of automation credits.

What happens to Zoho Sign's Fair Usage Policy now?
With the introduction of automation credits, we will be removing our Fair Usage Policy that governs the usage of the bulk send and the SignForms features within Zoho Sign. This effectively replaces the current monthly bulk send and SignForm limits for organizations with their monthly total of automation credits received.

Will automation credits be applicable for automations performed using third party integrations?
Automation credits will not be applicable for third party automation. Third party integrations will continue to require the purchase of API credits as add-ons to send documents out for signature.

When is this update going to be introduced? Where do I track my organization's automation credits and their usage?
We plan to roll out this update in September. Organization administrators shall soon be able to view and track the usage of automation credits from their Zoho Sign subscription details page. Your FUP limits for the month of August will remain unaffected and your unused API credits will carry over to your next payment cycle as usual.

It is our sincere belief that this update will pave way for organizations to explore sophisticated automation possibilities using Zoho Sign within the Zoho ecosystem. Therefore, we will be moving all our existing enterprise users to this new model at the time of its release. If you feel this change might disrupt your usage of Zoho Sign, feel free to let us know and we will look to help you out appropriately. For further details or any assistance, feel free to comment below or write to We look forward to your feedback.

Happy Zoho Signing!

Sai Anand

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