Inventory API returns different JSON fields than documentation shows.

Inventory API returns different JSON fields than documentation shows.

The API document shows the GET statement as:"authtoken"&organization_id="orgID"

To get a list of purchase orders. It shows the response as containing the "line items". The response that I get contains the purchase order information, including the qty totals, but no line items.

How do I get the line items from the purchase order?

In Creator, this:

map ZohoAPICall.Inv_GetPurchaseOrders()
zohoOrgId = "999999999";
zohoAutToken = "bunchofnumbersandsuch";
url_2 = "&organization_id=";
FullUrl = url_1 + zohoAutToken + url_2 + zohoOrgId;
PurchOrdContainer = getUrl(FullUrl);
return PurchOrdContainer;

Gets me this:

"vendor_name":"PHOENIX ROPE & RIGGING LLC",

But I need the full PO  with the line item.
