Inventory Back Order Reporting and/or Back Order Management Broken or Fatally Flawed

Inventory Back Order Reporting and/or Back Order Management Broken or Fatally Flawed


I am a big fan of the Zoho system(s) in general, solid/fast/feature rich etc. However really surprised to discover the following, especially given that the Inventory System has been online for while and is sold as a high end system.

Lets take the following situation, which lets face it should not be a major deal to handle/report (it certainly is not on all the other systems out there that I have worked with).

A. Widgets 80 in stock : My Customer orders 100 x Widgets
B. Raise a confirmed Sales Order for 100 x Widgets
C. I even raise a system "Back Order" which creates a Purchase Order for the 20 required (i.e. the shortage) to a supplier.
D. Inventory record shows;
Stock on Hand : 80.00
Committed Stock : 100.00
Available for Sale : -20.00

1. The system Inventory List still shows this as "Stock On Hand" 80. You cannot add any fields for display other than "Available for sale" - you cannot show anything other than 80 for sale, or show a back order of 20 etc.
2. There is no system report to show "Back Orders" or can any report be updated to reflect the situation of D) above.
3. Even pulling an Api report from does not show the impact of the Back Order status i.e. Stock on Hand : 80.00 is still reported.

I.E. In the above situation you cannot report on the above without going into the stock record individually, which is crazy !!!!

I am sure that Zoho will say that this information can be reported via Zoho Analytics. However, the reason users have Zoho Inventory is to be able to handle and report on Back Orders. Zoho Analytics is another significant cost and is way too complex for such info.
