Inventory Set-up

Inventory Set-up

We made errors as we learn how to set up inventory. Correcting those errors is tedious. Is there a better method?

We imported items from Shopify. For thousands, we want to start over. But, Zoho will not allow deleting items that have not been "confirmed". We cannot confirm each item one by one and it took us some time to figure out how to trigger Zoho's bulk "confirmation" button (you must click on a single checkbox which triggers a bulk level checkbox to appear and then click on the bulk checkbox and the pull down the menu to find the "confirm" command. However, that did not enable deleting the records.  Many of the records came in with an item quantity.  Since Zoho forces you to confirm the items before you can bulk delete, confirmation makes Zoho think there is history to the item and that the user wants any changes to quantity to route through an auto journal entry. Nope, we just want to delete the item zoho forced us to "confirm".  To handle that, I exported the items I wanted to delete, changed their quantity to zero (0) and then re-imported the items to set all inventory to zero. Then, I performed multiple searches and was able to delete the items in small batches.  Once finished, I wanted to export all remaining inventory and Zoho blocked the export and displayed a warning that I was exporting too many records too fast, so locked me out of exports. So, my task is incomplete.

Does anybody have a better method?

I don't understand why Zoho makes importing and exporting items so tedious.  If a user does not want to confirm a sync item, the choice to delete it should be the default rather than defaulting to make the user confirm it.  Zoho should enable larger export and import volumes.  If the import and export rules were not so tedious, I would not need to perform so many redundant tasks which trigger a lock out.

In many ways, Zoho is a great product. Inventory management can be improved.

Thanks, Jeff