Investment Simulator

Investment Simulator

‘Ka-Ching!’ is an online investment simulator which aims at educating the common man about the benefits of investment. The user is provided with hypothetical money which he/she may choose to invest in different asset classes administrated by actual market trends and prices. Its primary objective is to make the user understand the importance, procedure and the dos and don’ts of investments, all while stressing on good trade practices. Users need to be able to invest money in 5 different asset classes. The app needs to track their transactions, provide leaderboards, allow them to sell/buy stock, sell/buy mutual funds, insurance schemes, etc. The target audience size would be 500 people. They need not be ZOHO users, but need to have access to the screens meant for the simulator.

Budget : $1000 | Duration : Two Weeks | Location Preference : Bangalore in India [Pin : 560047]

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