Invoice Address Layout

Invoice Address Layout

Dear Zoho,

First off, after many years of using Zoho Invoice we must say a big thank you for the new interface design. We find it so much more user friendly and finally the back button works, sort of.

Since migrating over to this new interface the only problem we seem to have had relates to the layout of the invoice address. We are using your Pro template and all our client addresses did look like the following:

Client Name
16 Made Up Street
GU13 4EP

But now that same made up address would look like this:

Client Name
16 Made Up Street
GU13 4EP Surrey

If we click into "CONTACTS" the formatting looks correct.

So instead of inputting the client address using the STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE and COUNTRY fields we put everything in the STREET field but that didn't work either.

Has something corrupted while our account was migrating over or is this something simple that we have missed?