Is it possible to add a note on a record in the Quotes Module directy from Cliq?

Is it possible to add a note on a record in the Quotes Module directy from Cliq?

I know Zoho Cliq allow us to add notes to the existing records in Leads, Accounts, and Contacts module directly from the Cliq chat or channel by clicking on the More icon.

But is it possible to add a note on a record in the Quotes Module? 
If yes, how can i add that option on the menu? (check the print screen)


Eu sei que o Zoho Cliq nos permite adicionar notas aos registros existentes nos módulos de Leads, Contas e Contatos diretamente do chat ou canal do Cliq, clicando no ícone Mais.

Mas é possível adicionar uma nota em um registro no módulo de Orçamentos? (Veja o Print?)


Luiz Felipe

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