Is there a way to make a more professional layout?

Is there a way to make a more professional layout?

Hey All,

I was excited to try ZoHo Notebook as Evernote is squeezing everybody out with its pricing and also the act that ZoHo Notebook imported Evernote in.

However, I was disappointed to see that the interface looks so simplistic and amateurish. I was surprised because I thought (perhaps erroneously) that it would have a more professional layout. This app may well be targeted more to the home user and that's fine, but I need to know if there is a way to make it appear more "Evernote-ish" with root notes on the let and sub-notebook or folders branching off from there. 

Again, this is all my own issue with perception and expectations, not the fault of the app. So my question to you all is, is there a way to achieve a more businesslike appearance, or are the notecards pretty much it. If I need to describe anything further, just let me know.


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