Is there a way to post anonymously or as a guest?

Is there a way to post anonymously or as a guest?

Hello, I'm planning on using Zoho Connect as a suggestion box here all ideas can manifest without being linked to as specific user. I'm wondering if there is a way to hide who posts on the application. I was unable to find such a feature. The closest that I can do is to have users change their name to something else but even then, everyone can see your email info and I plan to have users access using their work email. Does anyone can think of a solution? Thanks in advance.

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        ​Hello Zoholics! We  at  Zoho  know  that improving productivity  and collaboration  among  your employees  is vital  to  the success  of  your  business.  We believe  in  this idea  so strongly  that  we built  an entire  set  of applications devoted  to   this!  Zoho applications  such  as Mail, Docs, Projects, Connect, etc.  all  seamlessly   integrate  with  one  another, allowing  for  greater productivity  and collaboration  among  your teams.  Not  only  do  we  think businesses  like yours