Issue with Java SDK Notes

Issue with Java SDK Notes


I'm facing an issue when trying to iterate through retrieved Notes. Facing Exception:

java.lang.ClassCastException: class com.zoho.crm.library.crud.ZCRMRecord cannot be cast to class com.zoho.crm.library.crud.ZCRMNote (com.zoho.crm.library.crud.ZCRMRecord and com.zoho.crm.library.crud.ZCRMNote are in unnamed module of loader 'app')

Line highlighted BLUEbelow is where the stack trace is saying the error is.
This is a list of <ZCRMNote> retreived from Zoho, so I don't understand why it is suggesting I'm trying to cast them to ZCRMRecord...
public static void syncNotes()throws ZCRMException{
* get unique list of lead ids of all notes
* for each lead (id), get notes from zoho
* for each file note for that Lead
* check if it matches one of the existing zoho notes (content and title)
* if not, add it
for (int row : Note.getRowsSet()){
long id = Maps.getRowIDMap().get(row);
System.out.println("Row: " + row);
System.out.println("ZID: " + id);
ZCRMRecord record = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("McD_Project_Leads",id);//module api name with record id
BulkAPIResponse response = record.getRelatedListRecords("Notes");
List<ZCRMNote> notes = (List<ZCRMNote>)response.getData();//relatedList name
for (Note fileNote : Note.getNotesList()){
boolean existsInZoho = false;
System.out.println("File Row: " + fileNote.getRow());
System.out.println("Row: " + row);
(fileNote.getRow() == row){
for (ZCRMNote note : notes){
(fileNote.getContent().equals(note.getContent()) && fileNote.getTitle().equals(note.getTitle())){
existsInZoho = true;
System.out.println("Matches, skipping");
if (!existsInZoho){
System.out.println("No match, adding");
//add it record in zoho
ZCRMNote note = new ZCRMNote(record);
APIResponse noteResponse = record.addNote(note);
ZCRMNote createdNote = (ZCRMNote) noteResponse.getData();
String recStatus =response.getStatus();


Any help would be appreciated.


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