Item Custom Fields in Purchase Order Template

Item Custom Fields in Purchase Order Template

I am trying to setup my organization and one of the first things I need to do is confirm that custom fields that are captured during Purchase Order entry are going to present in the ITEM TABLE of the purchase order correctly.

I created my custom item fields in preferences.

I created my item with defaulted values.

I created a purchase order and those values get captured correctly.

I go to customize the purchase order template at the ITEM TABLE and those fields are not available to make visible or invisible or generally customize in the purchase order template.

It is funny, I have spent many hours on what I thought were the 'big' things only to get stumped within 2 hours of setting up a test environment.  

Am I missing something?  I have Zoho Books and Zoho Inventory setup as integrated.  Regardless of where I try to modify the templates (shouldn't matter but I tested it both ways) I get the same result.

Expected behavior would be the user could modify the Item Table in the purchase order to enable or disable both the standard data in the table and the custom-fields in the table.  Thereby customizing the Purchase Order Template.

Please let me know if this can be managed as expected above?  Or if this is impossible.  Or if there is a work-around that makes sense.