Item to item transfer both quantity and value

Item to item transfer both quantity and value

We are using zoho inventory extensively and making the most out of it by just using native functionality although it is missing a few functionalities like Bins and multi-level BOM handling.

But one thing is still challenging which is item-to-item transfer. I hope I'm not alone needed this feature. 

If you are in a typical manufacturing company (SME) and sell only composite items, where we have one associated item (raw material) is a part of multiple composite items. Let's say we make 4 different models of mobile phones ( Sku's: A, B, C, D - Composite items) with the same battery (associated item). Now the battery SKU is a part of multiple composite items. 

Generally, companies plan the procurement of the raw materials (Battery - I'm referring to only one item for better understating) based on the sales and demand of the finished good which is the Mobile Phone (Composite item). 

Let's say the company planned to produce the below composite items where the battery (Associated item) is common across the composite items.

SKU: A - 10,000 EA
SKU: B - 5,000 EA
SKU: C - 3,000 EA
SKU: D - 2,000 EA

Now based on the above plan the procurement team has to procure a single model of battery of 20,000 quantities which are part of multiple composite items. We'll release the Purchase order for the battery (Single SKU) and we'll receive the stock of 20,000.

Now, if we go to composite bunding the system will show that "You can bundle 20,000 mobile phones" for each model (A, B, C, D) irrespective of the above production plan. 

My Request: If we can transfer the battery(item) into a different item, let's say I create 4 more SKUs for each model mobile and transfer the required quantities as per the production plan would be a more ideal process I believe. Using this method I can reverse calculate that what is my plan and what is my actual stock.

I know we can achieve this using "Inventory adjustment" but it will create more problems in terms of cost tracking and physical item identity since every item will be tracked with bar coded serial number.

I have taken an example of one particular item, but trust me if you are handling multiple composite items in the above environment a lot of Excel work has to be maintained.

Currently, there are no specific reports for bundling in inventory somehow we are managing using zoho analytics for production reports and planning reports. Every company needs one particular report which is how many that they can manufacture (composite items) using the associated raw materials levels. If possible add this as a default report.

It would be a big relief for the companies who use Zoho Inventory if zoho can provide the below essentials
  1. Item-to-item transfer 
  2. Serial number generation upon bundling action
  3. Option to mark associated items as committed items when a composite item sales order is confirmed
  4. Reserve inventory against sales order
  5. Bundling reports and custom fields in the bundling layout
  6. Re-order levels warehouse-specific
  7. BINS
  8. Negative stock controls warehouse-specific stock, currently, it is controlled by org-specific stock.
