Keep getting "code": 14, "message": "Invalid value passed for authtoken." My authtoken is correct though!

Keep getting "code": 14, "message": "Invalid value passed for authtoken." My authtoken is correct though!

Yesterday, I reset my password. I think I accidentally selected that checkbox that deletes all API/Authtokens.

Today I regenerated new connection/authtokens for each Zoho Module that I needed. All my standard actions work great. BUT all my custom functions (even when they use the same authtokens) now return with an error message.

The biggest example is my custom function that creates an invoice. It returns that the Authtoken is invalid. BUT it is correct. When I go to my I can see the authtoken I am using is present in the list. Also that authtoken has Scope Name "booksapi" and Service Name is "Books". I have created different keys multiple times and EVERY time I get the same error message on my custom function to create an invoice in Zoho Books. This is the error message that displays: "code": 14, "message": "Invalid value passed for authtoken." This custom function has ALWAYS worked with the old authtoken, but now with the new one it is not working :(((((

Please help. I think there is something weird going on here. As part of creating an invoice it's supposed to look into the items module of Zoho Books and its supposed to use my authtoken for that as well as creating the invoice. BUT it seems to query the items just fine (how does it do that if authtoken is really wrong?) but then for some reason it just doesn't create the invoice in Zoho Books. Here is the full response that the custom function returns:

"info_logs": [
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		"Single-Family Home Appliance Package - Annual,Well Pump - Annual,Second Refrigerator - Annual,Septic Tank Pumping - Annual",
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			"code": 14,
			"message": "Invalid value passed for authtoken."