Keep tabs on your visitor actions and boost up the lead conversion rates!

Keep tabs on your visitor actions and boost up the lead conversion rates!

Monitoring your visitor actions can be quite difficult unless and until you are as quick as flash. If you go about sifting through the trail of a particular visitor just to figure out what the visitor is doing on your site, you could possibly miss the potential actions that other visitors perform at the very moment. For instance say, they would've set off triggers that you had configured, responded to the proactive chat initiated, but you won't even know.


Did you know that on a scale of 10 you are  literally losing 9 potential visitors every single day of your business routine?


We know right! Don’t worry Zoho SalesIQ has the perfect solution for this . You can monitor the basic visitor actions right away from your Visitors Online overview window, and without even having to open up the visitor tile. 


Also, a study says that tracking visitor actions has doubled the conversion rates, from 1.75% to 3.75%!

  1. Not a newbie - Well, it's not the visitor's first visit.
  2. Your colleague took an initiative - One of your colleagues have already contacted the visitor, and the latter is yet to reply.

  3. Visitor is interested too - The visitor has responded back to the chat that was initiated by your colleague.

  4. Kick-start with a click - The visitor just clicked the live chat widget on your site, looking forward to have an insightful discussion with you or your colleagues.

  5. Triggered the triggers - The visitor has set off one or more triggers that you had configured earlier.

  6. Swiftly navigating - The visitor is navigating through the webpages of your website.

  7. Has a history - The visitor already had a conversation with the operators of your firm, that includes you as well!

  8. Resides where? - Flag of the country that the visitor is from.

  9. 'ID'ing the visitor - Either the name of the visitor or a randomly generated unique ID that Zoho SalesIQ assigned the visitor with.

  10. As a matter of time - Time that the visitor had solidly spent on your site exploring.

  11. Freeze these visitors out - Those visitors who do not match the priority criterions that you had set. Keep them off your focus until they actually land up on any of the priority rings.

Time matters! We would  never ever want you to desiccate your energy and time over scrutinizing these particulars. Ergo, we found a way around to facilitate an easy way to monitor your visitors! We are yet to explore more. Stay tuned! How to? Just click on the Follow button in our home page(onto your right.)


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