I have worked with macros in Excel, but usually rely on taking an existing macro and modifying it to my need; I am not good enough to write one from scratch yet. I'm wondering if anyone would be so VERY kind as to show me the code needed for this simpe function:
* There is a cell in column A that displays the text "TODAY".
* The row in which "TODAY" is displayed changes every day, but is always in column A.
* With the user-selected cell starting anywhere on the sheet, I need to execute the macro which moves the selected cell to cell displaying "TODAY".
The logic would be something like:
* Go to A1
* If cell not = TODAY, then go down one row, otherwise quit
* If row = 500, quit (this step stops an infinite macro if TODAY for some reason is not displayed in any cell)
* Repeat above 2 steps
Or maybe there is a function that would allow a code like:
* Go to cell Display(TODAY) or some such.
Best Regards,