Known Issues and Limitations --> Workflow execution throttle

Known Issues and Limitations --> Workflow execution throttle


I have lookup fields that do not find selectable values in a form. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. Sometimes only half of the filter code is executed and not the complete check of a lookup filter values and thus presenting more values than should be allowed. 
The lookup uses one input of another lookup in the form and also a "contains" function using a value from a single field in the form.  In general the code seem to work, but when I do test suddently it wont work (and the only difference is that I ran the same form another time with a refresh). And now I am thinking it has to do with the Workflow execution throttle as my form uses many deluge workflows. Is what I experience an affect of the Workflow execution throttle? But i would expect some kind of notification, like a pop up. During testing I execute much more operations than I would probably do during normal operation. 
If it is not the throttle, what else? 
Kind regards