Large folders dont seem to be replicating correctly

Large folders dont seem to be replicating correctly

I have just set our company up with Zoho wordrive to replace Google Drive which has been working flawlessly for over 10 years. I like the Zoho Ecosystem and thought since we needed more storage space, I would migrate us...

That has turned into a taks that is causing me trouble and embarassment.
When I try to replicate our folder structure within Zoho Drive, no matter what I do, I never end up with the same amount of files.

A folder in Google drive currently has 3933 files.
If i copy it to Zoho, it finishes, and a properties check reveals 1'957 files.

I have tried dragging and dropping on the desktop PC, i have tried creating a new folder in Zoho Cloud and importing the folder in question. No matter what I do I cant get tghem to sync correctly.

Example of this mornings attempt.
I created this folder "COBB Files" on the web interface and imported the folder contents.
There are a lot of folders and files so I left it overnight.

I came in this morning and the broser has frozen. A properties check reveals this.

Original Folder on my PC:

version in Zoho Drive.

Is this a known issue maybe?
Any advise?