Launching multichannel inboxes in Zoho TeamInbox!

Launching multichannel inboxes in Zoho TeamInbox!

Dear all,
We're thrilled to announce a major milestone for Zoho TeamInbox—your shared inboxes are now multichannel!

Introducing multichannel inboxes in Zoho TeamInbox!  

Set up a unified shared inbox to hold all of your relevant messages, no matter where they're from. You can create channels for email, WhatsApp, Telegram, and our new additions, Facebook, and Instagram direct messages with Zoho TeamInbox (we’re working to roll out other channels, too). Your inboxes won't be tied to just one type of channel anymore. Associate multiple channels to a single inbox, or leave it empty to serve as a folder for specific messages.

But it's not just about external messages; you can also host team discussions and comments within their respective inboxes. Your inboxes will now become a global view of all your messages, from different channels, along with internal discussions—truly multichannel.

These multichannel inboxes are built on top of the collaboration and team transparency benefits of Zoho TeamInbox, so you can work on your channels as a team.
We've also introduced a lot more exciting features! Check them out below:


Instagram and Facebook direct messaging channels  

You can now direct your Instagram and Facebook messages to Zoho TeamInbox and manage them from there. These stand-alone applications lack options for managing messages collectively as a team or providing tools for team collaboration. Zoho TeamInbox extends all of the collaboration, delegation, and productivity capabilities of email channels to these platforms as well. With everything consolidated in one place, you can keep all of your messages right next to your emails and avoid the chaos of switching apps.

Move threads across inboxes   

Organize your threads by moving them across inboxes to keep them where they belong. You can now drag your conversations from one inbox and drop them into a more relevant inbox.

Mark threads as duplicates

When you now connect multiple channels to your inboxes and move threads between them, it's possible to encounter duplicate threads or similar messages from the same sender. Dealing with such repeated threads can be chaotic, which is why we've introduced an option to mark them as a duplicate. Once flagged as a duplicate, these threads will be automatically removed out of your view, allowing you to focus on your important tasks without distraction.

Response time goals   

Define response times to ensure timely resolution of your incoming emails and messages. Rules in Zoho TeamInbox now let you set up a maximum reply time for messages. If a reply is not sent within the designated time frame, you can instruct the rules to take specific actions, such as assigning the message to another team member, notifying the manager, or moving the message to the priority inbox. Define your response time objectives, track their performance against these goals, and ensure prompt responses.

Fluid across all devices  

From smartphones to desktops, Zoho TeamInbox is now available on every device, intelligently adapting itself to the size, screen, and native options of these devices. Enjoy the same user-friendly interface and powerful features across all platforms, enhancing your productivity no matter where you are.
We're putting some finishing touches on our app for Windows, and they're almost ready to go live. We’re thrilled to launch them at the earliest and offer you a unified experience across all of your devices. Write to us at to get beta access; we'd love for you to get your hands on our desktop app and give us your feedback. 

Zoho TeamInbox is leveling up with multichannel inboxes and we can't wait to hear what you think once you get your hands on all the new features. Let us know in the comments below or talk to us at because your feedback means the world to us!