Launching the API Guide for Zoho Sprints

Launching the API Guide for Zoho Sprints

The term "API" stands for "Application Programming Interface". It is a set of rules that help you create and integrate applications that can access the data from a different server or an application. Breaking this definition further, it is a medium for two different platforms to interact with each other without any glitches.

How important is an API to a customer?

APIs play a significant role in our daily routine. Right from booking a cab to one's workplace, making an online money transfer to a friend, buying a favorite dress online, to booking a family suite room for the upcoming vacation, APIs work behind the scenes and save a lot of time. They make lives easier. They make a customer trust a service.

How important is an API to a service provider / product owner?
As a business owner, you can have a better customer reach with the APIs. Data sharing has exponentially become faster and efficient. It also helps you to track customer behavior online and market your product / service to the targeted audience efficiently. That's why e-commerce rules the world now. It wouldn't have been a reality without APIs.

What's in Zoho Sprints API?
Zoho Sprints API is REST based and it uses OAuth 2.0, a delegation protocol, for authorization and user authentication. Secured data sharing has always been a challenge in the world of APIs and OAuth 2.0 solves this by enabling secured access to protected resources. Access is granted through tokens that expire after a certain period of time. The following are the major steps involved in setting up the API in Zoho Sprints.

  • If you are running your business with Zoho Sprints and you haven't tried our APIs yet, do give a try. We launched our API documentation very recently. Please do give a read and share your feedback to 
  • If you are a developer who uses our APIs and would like to receive notifications whenever major changes are made in the API document, subscribe to us for updates.

Not sure whether you need APIs for your business?
Send your queries to You can also brief us on your business requirements so that our support executive can help you with the API setup, as necessary.

      • Sticky Posts

      • Launching the API Guide for Zoho Sprints

        The term "API" stands for "Application Programming Interface". It is a set of rules that help you create and integrate applications that can access the data from a different server or an application. Breaking this definition further, it is a medium for two different platforms to interact with each other without any glitches. How important is an API to a customer? APIs play a significant role in our daily routine. Right from booking a cab to one's workplace, making an online money transfer to a friend,

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