Layout and Validation rules for Quick actions - Zoho Desk - iOS

Layout and Validation rules for Quick actions - Zoho Desk - iOS

Hello, Everyone!

In the iOS version(v2.8.10) of the Zoho Desk mobile app, we have extended support for Layout rules and Validation rules in Quick Actions for the Tickets and Tasks modules.

When a layout or validation rule condition is satisfied, an intermediary screen is now made available that displays all the mandatory fields that still need to be filled in for the ticket/task. You can also easily navigate to the edit form directly from this intermediary screen.

Please refer to the screenshot depicted below:

To access the above listed feature, please update the app to its latest version either by directly going on to the App Store or by using the link given below:

Zoho Desk app - App Store 

Should you need any assistance with the app, please write to us at or submit feedback from within the app (Steps: Go on to the Desk mobile app's 'Setting' > select the 'Feedback' option) and we will be more than happy to assist you.

Good day!  
