leads/account/contact near me don't work

leads/account/contact near me don't work

Hello Zoho Team,

I tried the function "leads near me" and after 15minutes only the 52% was downloaded = 21 names (my DB is about 2000 names spread all over the country so I expect to find in the radius of 10M no more than 20-50 names). 
In other words it is impossibile to use it because it is expected to offer a quick help while in the trafic to recover a meeting etc etc.  and one can't wait 15 minutes (!) to see an aswer.
Same issue for "accounts near me" and "contacts near me" as well.

In the past we had a time when it was working smoothly and fastly. 

How can we get this function working well?

Thanks for any tips and help.