Leads Near Me Bug

Leads Near Me Bug

To locate leads/contacts near you

  1. Go to the  Leads/Contacts  module. 
    The records will be listed based on the List View that is selected.
  2. Tap the  List View  icon in the module.
From the   List Views     displayed, select     Leads/Contacts Near Me 
The leads/contacts near your location will be pinned on the map.         

When I select any List and then click on "Leads Near Me" the map generated only draws from "All Open Leads" so if this is the correct function then, this is not a bug.  However, the way I read the instructions above, you may populate a map from ANY list as long as you select that list before you select "Leads Near Me".  If this is the case then, this is a bug as it doesn't matter which list I have open when I select "Leads Near Me" it only draws addresses and populates a map from "All Open Leads".