Less of Browsers, More of Desktop Apps

Less of Browsers, More of Desktop Apps

They said they'd be dead. 

Gone from our docks into our browsers.

But are they really dead? With many services going all desktop, can we stop writing eulogies for native apps after all?

Cause desktop apps aren't going anywhere (yet)

Standalone, desktop applications have benefits that are almost not easy to replicate within a browser. Like...

1. We make sure you're notified (always)

But don't your Web Apps do the very same? So how are desktop notifications, different? Few things like notifications from your app with your app's logo can be more effective than the ten thousand notifications from chrome which are a combination of your mails, chats and what not? Avoid such cluster with desktop apps, reply to visitors instantly and get work done right away with desktop notifications. Way to leave a good impression, right?

2. Be visible always

Like they say, as long as people remember to put your app in the dock you're in a much better position for a consistent use. Cause a web app that isn't pinned to the browser is easily closed and forgotten. Also, with desktop apps the user will be automatically logged in when the system starts.

3. Loving the shortcut way

We all love to do things the easier way, things that are just a hands reach away. So why not that with your desktop apps? Do all this right from your docks. Now get to change status, mute/unmute chats and much more right from your docks. 

4. Beauty of the dock icon

Just imagine you could see the badge count of your connected and missed chats. Pretty cool right? The dock icon will now display a badge count of your connected and missed chats with visitors. This way you're always notified making sure your visitors don't miss out on instant-assistance.

5. Be more online and less idle

People move about, tabs change and your wifi is always unstable. With desktop apps all the above mentioned are far from your worries. Cause with the SalesIQ desktop apps your idle time will only be based on the system idle time. This way you're almost always online for visitors while making sure you still catch up on your favorite videos and blogs.

I hope reading all this has intrigued you to go check out the new SalesIQ Desktop apps!

If it has then just download our app for Mac, Windows and Ubuntu (linux) right now! Hurry!

Also, let us know what you think about it too!

Mary Mol